"Deep 6" Kettlebell Fundamentals
5:00 PM17:00

"Deep 6" Kettlebell Fundamentals

Have you been eyeing the kettlebell? Or, have you tried them and been let down from substandard results? This is the workshop for you!

I highly recommend this training if you plan to attend any of my “Power to the People” classes which make heavy (sometimes literally) use of kettlebell fundamentals:

  • The Swing: the bedrock of the kettlebell world, the Swing will completely transform a beginner, radically supercharge and athlete and offer advanced trainees sustainable and trainable elite-level conditioning for sport and life.

  • The Goblet Squat: re-gain your ability to squat in record time! Open the hips, align the spine, re-build the pelvic floor and do it at any age.

  • The Get-up: also known as the “Turkish Get-up”, a series of functional patterns and positions sewn together to form an exercise which can literally help pull the elderly from the brink of death and condition top-level martial artists alike! Rehab the body and teach it how to move well and pain-free once more.

  • The Clean: learn how to safely and precisely take the kettlebell from the floor to the “rack” position and the first step in redirecting force upwards, built off the foundation of the powerful hip hinge developed in the Swing.

  • The Press: build stronger shoulders than you can imagine! The kettlebell is uniquely ergonomic for many exercises and the Press is no exception. It helps to rehab shoulders and creates a “superhero” physique.

  • The Snatch: the “super-athlete” conditioner and power-builder. The Snatch picks up where the Swing and Clean left off; take the bell all the way overhead in one crisp movement which has been known to increase Pull-up numbers without touching a pull-up bar! The regular employment of the Snatch will yield unbelievable results.

Receive expert instruction and fundamental breakdown to ensure your journey into the kettlebell world remains pain and injury-free and, also, as effective as possible.

Don’t be fooled by flashy moves and the promise for a “burn” at the behest of proper technique development! Oh, by the way, doing this training correctly will give you some of the most intense lung-busting workouts of your life! What have you got to lose?!

When you sign up for the workshop you will receive:

  • Exposure and practice with the fundamental kettlebell lifts.

  • Training manual for your reference & how to get started.

  • 30-day access to the “Sinew” app!

  • 1-week of free classes at Sinew Gymnasium to continue hands-on development.

  • 1x discount of 25% off a private session with myself or Alex.

We are passionate about physical culture here and kettlebells are some of the best tools and training modalities we have come across and, perhaps, the most fun, engaging, challenging and results-producing method of training in existence!!!

Looking forward to seeing all you will accomplish with your goals!

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Beginner Kettlebell Workshop
11:00 AM11:00

Beginner Kettlebell Workshop

In the world of strength and conditioning, there’s a myriad of options; tools, implements, loading parameters, progressions, etc. One option stands out as a unique amalgamation of many varieties of training — kettlebells. 

What makes kettlebells so useful? Simplicity, variety, portability, athletic development, joint health, useful muscle mass, I could go on…

As a former trainer of military personnel I believe the combination of calisthenics and kettlebells offered far superior results to barbells or other training styles when it applies to general fitness.

In this workshop, our goal is to introduce or perfect some kettlebell basics:

  • Swings

  • Squats and variations

  • Get-ups

  • Windmills & other rotational exercises

  • Bonus end-range exercises 

Learn about proper breathing and bracing mechanics which will elevate your training to previously unknown levels (yes they’re THAT GOOD). Start your journey to mastery of biomechanics and breath control that will see the fastest, and SAFEST, training of your life. 

After implementing the techniques and exercises in this workshop you’ll not only reach new levels in the gym, but see a massive improvement on the mat, in your sport or just your general every day life!

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Hardstyle Kettlebell Workshop
5:30 PM17:30

Hardstyle Kettlebell Workshop

Note: message Luke at (269) 999-6944 for the disocunt code if you are a member of Living in Sinew, Legion Fighting Alliance or The Collective!

$40 for the public

$30 for members!

In the world of strength and conditioning, there’s a myriad of options; tools, implements, loading parameters, progressions, etc. 

One option stands out as a unique amalgamation of many varieties of training — kettlebells. 

What makes kettlebells so useful? Simplicity, variety, portability, athletic development, joint health, useful muscle mass, I could go on…

As a former trainer of military personnel I believe the combination of calisthenics and kettlebells offered far superior results to barbells when it applies to combat and combat sports. 

In this workshop, our goal is to introduce or perfect some kettlebell basics:

  • Swings

  • Squats and variations

  • Presses

  • Get-ups

  • Windmills & other rotational exercises

  • Bonus end-range exercises 

Learn about proper breathing and bracing mechanics which will elevate your training to previously unknown levels (yes they’re THAT GOOD). Start your journey to mastery of biomechanics and breath control that will see the fastest, and SAFEST, training of your life. 

After implementing the techniques and exercises in this workshop you’ll not only reach new levels in the gym, but see a massive improvement on the mat!

Lift more weight, more safely. Generate more force while increasing endurance. Improve agility and athleticism. Never run out of GAS!

Join us Friday, December 29th at Legion Fighting Alliance in Stevensville at 5:30pm and level up!!!

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Athletic Muscle: Intensity
10:30 AM10:30

Athletic Muscle: Intensity

Kettlebells & Calisthenics are your ticket to body mastery, athletic development, proportionate (and useful) muscle-building, fat burning, pain-free joints, nervous system control and flexibility.

This workshop is part of a series which aims to provide you with the tools you need for principle-based training and make the most of your precious time. There are two main phases and an infinite amount of variability, depending on the trainee and goal. The “Intensity” phase is akin to an off-season training style which focuses heavily on short, intense workouts. Since this is when athletes typically aren’t competing, they can really train hard and make progress with their base levels of fitness.

The “Density” phase could be used as deloading or off-season training. This programming specifically targets weak areas or body parts which need to get stronger to avoid injury and maximize athletic development.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a competitive athlete to do this program! I built it for the trainee who simply wants to maximize their physical abilities (strength, conditioning, skills, etc.) while maintaining a physique they can be proud of.

There’s a lot to cover and this is an evolving process to explain it all. I’m giving you the culmination of my experience in the military, as an athlete (swimming, running, MMA, free-running), a trainer of athletes in a wide-variety of sports, and as an obsessive student myself who always wants to know more and put theories to the test to see how they pan out. Here’s an overview of the workshops:

  • Intensity: short and intense workouts developed to get you in the best shape of your life, plus templates for specific needs.

  • Density: target your weak points to avoid injuries before they happen and maximize athletic development.

  • Flex(Ability): learn how to increase your flexibility while becoming STRONG in your new ranges of motion! Front/Side Splits and Back Bridges can be yours!

  • Move with Purpose: a course dedicated to moving better, with grace and personal expression. Crawling and tumbling is emphasized heavily.

I can’t wait to share this amazing content that I’ve been fortunate enough to have learned from some of the best teachers of all time!

There’s far more than 2-hours of content so I’m floating the Q&A to go as long as needed. I’ll have a hard cut-off to keep the material succinct but anyone who wishes to stay may do so!

Price: $30

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Sedona Yoga Festival 2020
to Mar 16

Sedona Yoga Festival 2020

  • Sedona Performing Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Adrienne and Luke in Sedona for SYF 2020 as they teach a couple of their favorite workshops (and check out all the other amazing teachers and artists while you’re out there!). We are so excited to have the honor of teaching at this wonderful event. The scenery alone is worth the flight / drive out! There’s just something magical about Sedona, come see what it’s all about.

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Kettlebell Foundations Workshop
10:30 AM10:30

Kettlebell Foundations Workshop

This is the most effective way to learn the basic kettlebell exercises.  Save yourself months of back pain and learn it right in a morning.  

Even if you’ve been lifting kettlebells for years you can still walk away with some excellent coaching tips and revise your form.  We all have room for improvement. 

In this workshop you will learn the fundamental breathing patterns that will send your strength and endurance through the roof.  You will become familiar with some practical drills and basic calisthenics exercises as well.  The main lifts covered are:
- Swings (Two Hands & One Handed)
- Turkish Get-ups
- Cleans
- Presses
- Select “Doubles” lifts if time permits

There will be plenty of time for Q&A and we can go over a variety of other lifts and accessory exercises for anyone who wants to stay longer.

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Kettlebell Basics
10:00 AM10:00

Kettlebell Basics

Are you new to kettlebells? Have you been eyeing the cannonball-with-a-handle for a while now but not sure where or how to start? Maybe you’ve had access to them but they seem to hurt your back every time you do them. Whatever the case; if you’re a beginner or intermediate trainee this is the workshop for you! Kettlebells won’t be the only thing you’ll learn during the 3-hour course, you can expect the following:

  • Alignment: this is, perhaps, the biggest benefit of this workshop; learn how to position yourself for basic exercises including Push-ups, Pull-ups, Planks, etc.

  • Compression techniques and strength-stretching

  • The basic kettlebell movements: Goblet/Front Squats, Swings, Get-ups, Cleans, Military/Push Presses, One-Arm/Double Swings, and the Snatch (or progressions towards it)

  • Q&A after the session for at least an hour

The point of this workshop isn’t to leave you a sweaty mess…although most will find it very challenging; we want you to walk away with skills that you can readily apply right away to your own practice!

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Focused Flexibility Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Focused Flexibility Workshop

This three-hour course is for anyone who wants to be flexible but does not know where to start, or how to keep going beyond a plateau.

The Focus Flexibility program will give you all the tools you need to determine where you need to focus your efforts in order to progress quickly without sacrificing all your free time.

The GMB method is for everyone, even if you have never stretched before. Whether you are a beginner or have been practicing a physical activity for a while (yoga, dance, running, martial arts, climbing, CrossFit ...), you will learn how to implement a training plan that will allow you to improve your performance and feel good every day.

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GMB Locomotion Workshop (Factory Coffee)
10:30 AM10:30

GMB Locomotion Workshop (Factory Coffee)

Whether you call it locomotion, movement, primal patterns, or crawling - it's all the rage these days...and for good reason!

This sort of "mindful movement" can help to balance your body and bulletproof your joints, tendons, and ligaments for more radical training and sports regimens. 

Essentially, this is the missing link in your training and exercise! Learn the basics of the GMB method and prepare your body to handle whatever life throws at it.

What: Locomotion Workshop
When: May 19, 2018 @ 1030 - 1230
Where: Factory Coffee, Kalamazoo, MI 49007

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Kettlebells & Coffee (Factory Coffee, Kalamazoo)
10:00 AM10:00

Kettlebells & Coffee (Factory Coffee, Kalamazoo)

Have you ever wanted to learn the basics of [proper] Kettlebell training? Are you interested in strength training for Yoga? Do you enjoy a cup o Joe? Then this is the workshop for you!

This workshop includes a manual that will include the following:
- Proper Vinyasa Yoga Flow
- Specific drills to target commons weaknesses and imbalances
- How to Plank...for real
- Basics of Handstanding
- The Goblet Squat
- The Get-up
- The Swing
- Seriously helpful extras!
- Recommended programming

This is meant to be an overview and introduction to properly executed training so there’s a TON of information. Even if you’ve been training with all the above for a while, this workshop can still be very useful!

Kettlebells & Coffee will be held at Factory Coffee in Kalamazoo!

Price: $35

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Swing Strength for Golfers! 5-Week Series
9:00 AM09:00

Swing Strength for Golfers! 5-Week Series

Price: $100 for 2-hour Workshop + 4-week series (each Saturday) OR $50 for the Workshop ONLY

What does strength have to do with your golf game?  Everything.  

During our time together you will become stronger and more fit than you could have imagined in one short month.  

Our weapon [against weakness] of choice will be the kettlebell.  I will break down the minutiae of each exercise so you may become an expert in them and avoid injury.  What you will learn:

  • We will go deep into bio-mechanics of the golf swing
  • How to access your hips
  • The best exercises to open your upper back
  • Piece it together to annihilate that little white ball

Note: you will not be fatigued or pushing your body to its limits.  This is a professional workshop aimed at the athlete who is serious about taking his/her game to the next level.

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