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Develop Mental, Spiritual & Physical Strength

Become the strongest version of yourself through strength & conditioning training, cold water submersion, mental focus techniques, and yoga.

I specialize in readiness; cultivating the warrior spirit and body. My flavor of readiness is geared mostly towards physical and mental capability but I do make recommendations on combative and weapons selection / utilization.


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I have studied under some of the greatest strength coaches and methodologies of our time (and times past) including: Pavel Tsatsouline, Charles Poliquin, Ben Patrick, Ryan Hurst, Ido Portal, Dan John, Geoff Neupert and many many others via books and trianing courses.

The ability to draw from multiple sources of influence has allowed me to deliver a personalized training expereince to my students. I have worked, and had massive success, with many types of students:

  • Student athletes looking to be better in their sport and avoid injuries while keeping up with the natural athletes.

  • Higher level athletes striving for the top spot without busting themselves up.

  • Tyical 9-5ers who want to feel their best, get in a good workout and have fun in the process. They want to “look good naked” (LGN).

  • “Broken” individuals who have been living wiht pain for decades; we use a very gentle and holistic approach to fitness (check out the ATG system).

Training Methodologies


We are, primarily, a kettlebell & calisthenics facility. Kettlebell training, in particular, is extrememly unique and there are many pathways including:

  • Kettlebell Sport: this is an endurance sport where enthusiasts train to compete in 10min bouts of Snatch or Clean & Jerk or just the Jerk. It is a fluid style that emphasizes conservation of energy, sessions are long and technique is paramount.

  • Hardstyle: the idea here is to produce the MOST amount of force possible and generate tension. It is Strength & Power work primarily. Very intense but geared towards the general public so there are practical stages.

  • Juggling: flips, side swings, lofts, flows, etc. “Juggling” or “KB Flow” uses lighter weights and links multiple exercsies and movement patterns together. Creativity is the name of the game!

  • Motility: mobility drills, “warm-ups”, daily recharge, whatever you want to call it - using KBs for mobility work is like a match made in heaven. Many people do nothing else but weighted mobility drills and they swear by it.

  • “Workouts”: this is the category you’ll see 99% of the time on YouTube. No practical progressions or programming, just a hard and sweaty workout. Some are better than others.

We make use, to some degree, of all of these but mostly stick with Hardstyle programming and technique work. Mobility and flips are used as warm-ups, cool-downs and variety days. We don’t do much in the way of kettlebell sport but there are a couple students who prefer this style so they employ it instead. Only, occasionally, do we use “bangers” - workouts that leave you in a sweaty pile. Soemtimes these are tests adn somethimes they just break up the monotony. We want to get in great shape and have fun while doing so!


Bodyweight training is unmatched, in my experience, for generating holistic bodies that don’t get injured nearly at the same degree as other training methods. I think this may be due to the natural movements (body through space) constantly stimulating your nervous system plus no extra weight is just one less thing to keep track of.

The basics are sooooo underrated: Push-ups, Pull-ups, Dips, high rep Squats, Lunges, Hanging Leg Raises, etc. and they become exponentially more challenging when performed on rings! But you can also delve into pseudo-gymnastics exercises like Handstands and Planche training.

I think it’s always a good idea to keep in some form of bodyweight trianing to keep you balanced.

Extended Range of Motion (ATG style)

I’m ATG certified, utilizing the principles of Charles Poliquin, and this has shown to reduce / eliminate pain in every joint of the body by slowly progresing your end ROM (range of motion) in a variety of exercises and planes of motion.

We like to incorporate them into warm-ups, intra-set kettlebell work, and even as correctives when we discover imbalances. This is a highly scalable system that can get a grandma sitting up out of her chair or a top-level athlete reaching new capacities they never dreamed of.

Primal Movement Patterns

I’ve studied under the likes of Ido Portal, Animal Flow and GMB and trianed directly under Ryan Hurst - certified in their system for resetting the body. I’m also a student of Geoff Neupert and Tim Anderson of Original Strength. Although I have not been certified with them yet; I employ their techniques with my own trainign and my students.

Resets Patterns: resets can include tongue, eye and face movement. Subtle techniques to help eliminate pain responses and “reset” the body gently and holisitcally - working with the nervous system as opposed to bashing it over the proverbial head. We also make use of positional techniques and rolls in this stage.

Crawling: this is the holy grail of ageless performance. Crawling on a regular basis restores your health and “rewinds” the bio-clock! I generally employ OS and/or GMB style movements as they are simple and clearly progressive. The Ido Portal system was less of a system and more of a lifestlye - not exactly approachable for your average person. Either way, these crawls can make you move like a sleek animal!



Simply stated; you will LEARN in my one-on-one trainings as well as the classes I teach. Show me comprehension and then progress!

Who Am I?

Luke Andresen

My learning history stems from military instruction (8 years in the Seabees, acting as Command Fitness Leader), in-depth training under Pavel Tsatsouline’ ssytems (RKC, StrongFirst, etc.), Al Ciampa’s military preparedness protocols, GMB Fitness Primal Movement (rehab, bodyweight training at higher levels, etc.), Functional Movement Systems (Level II), self-studies in Physical Therapy, Yoga Teacher Trainings (500-hours credentialed), a TON of study under Charles Polequin, Ido Portal, Christopher Sommer and observation of high level athletes who seem to have stumbled upon the “magic sauce”.

I have an intuitive approach to training my students. I take what works and reject what doesn’t, however, what works for one person may not work for another… one-on-one trainings are highly specific to the individual.